Isaiah • 2013/15
Isaiah is the first of the Major Prophets, and an absolute wonder to read.
It is like a treasure cave filled with riches, and at the same time, things hard to understand. On the one hand there is the call to the nation of Israel to repent from departing from God. On the other is the glory of the future blessings for Israel and the whole earth. Chapter 6 shows us the glory of God and the call of Isaiah to a ministry where no one will believe him. Chapter 9 shows us clearly what some religious people deny: that God has a Son, and that God is a Son. We not only believe the prophets, we read them, too! Chapter 11 shows us the name of the Holy Spirit. Why are there six names and not seven? Some people don’t like their theology untidy. Chapter 40 shows us the forerunner of the Messiah. Chapter 53 shows us the Messiah’s sufferings, death, and resurrection. Chapter 54 is powerful consolation for the desolate! Chapter 66 shows us the rule of the Messiah and the eternal punishment for those who deny and reject Him. These scriptures have their fulfilment in the near future. Don’t neglect the prophets! Here’s a way to understand what Isaiah is saying to us today.