We meet in person and live stream our Sunday services
Current meeting times
Sunday Service at Bethany Chapel, Beards Hill, Hampton, TW12 2AQ
Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m., and consist of a casual worship music set and a 45-50 minute sermon. After the service we spend time in fellowship and prayer. Sunday services are live-streamed on Pastor Rob’s YouTube channel.
Tuesday Prayer
Our prayer meeting is now hosted from 7 - 8.30 p.m. on Tuesdays via Zoom. We share and pray for personal, missional, and national issues. Please use the contact form to get in touch with us if you are interested in this meeting.
Friday Night Study • The Gospel of John
Our group-participation study is hosted from 7 p.m. on Fridays via Zoom meeting number 849 4241 3139, passcode 029478. We have a lot of fun digging into the scripture as a group, with some experienced help from Pastor Rob.
Children and Youth
Sunday School
We host a Sunday school for children ages 6-12 during our main weekly service. Our team of DBS checked volunteers lead Bible based sessions which generally include reading, games, and crafts. During the Covid-19 crisis Sunday school has been temporarily cancelled.
CCTW is proud to host Twickenham Youth Group (TWYG) every Friday at the Dingman’s house. Secondary School-age youth come together for a dinner meal, Bible study, and games lead by one of our youth workers. During the Covid-19 crisis TWYG has been temporarily cancelled.